Depression is a common mental health disorder. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from this disorder. It is characterized by persistent sadness and lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. In other words, depression is a chronic feeling of emptiness, sadness or inability to feel pleasure that may appear to happen for no clear reason. It is distinct from grief and other emotions.

Some of us suffer from depression in one part of our lives or the other, but the condition remains badly misunderstood and therefore often poorly treated at heart. A collective difficulty with depression is confusion about what it actually is and in particular how it can be distinguished from its state that we all know very well. It has acting numbers of similarities namely sadness. It is because we are willing to tend to apply to cases of depression a number of assumptions growing from and better suited to an understanding of sadness that we end up suffering far more than we should, there are on the surface some notable similarities between those who pressed. Both group cry, withdraw from the world both complains of listlessness, alienation from your normal lives but there is one categorical difference between depression and sadness; The sad person knows what they are sad about, while the depressed person doesn’t know exactly while they are sad for a longer period of time. Sad people can without difficulty tell us what is troubling them, but the depressed person doesn’t know what is troubling them. They can’t put a finger to what has drained life out of them, not X or Y.

The inability of the depressed person to account concretely for their mood can lead them open to unwanted changes of malingering, faking or exaggerating. The depressed person has a high fragile absorbance of energy; they might conclude that life is completely hopeless. It is not as a result of biological balances; it can be from the chemistry and can be treated with pills which are an approach to depression. Psychotherapy is the discipline that has arguably been able to understand depression better than any other .The basic promise of physiotherapy is that the depressed person isn’t depressed as they suggest for no reason .There is a reason they are very distress about something, but that something is proving extremely difficult to take on board and as therefore been pushed into the outer zone of consciousness from where it risk havoc from the whole person. Prompting boundless feelings of nihilism. For depressive persons realizing what they are concreting offset about will be too devastating, so they unconsciously choose to remain dead to everything as supposed to be very disturbing.

Depression is sadness that has forgotten its true causes, because remembering may generate untamed feelings of pains and lost.

The key difference to note between sadness and depression is that sad people are stricken something out in the world but aren’t necessary sad about themselves. Their self-esteem is unaffected by their grief, whereas depressed people will characteristically feel Rached about themselves and be filled with self -recrimination, guilt-shaming, self-knowing and suicidal thoughts, using self-hating as a defense risk of hating someone else. Also, in many sources depression is associated with apparently the opposite mood a kind of euphoric state termed mania hence the term manic depression.

There’re very few symptoms of depression which includes:

  • Dressing mood
  • Decreased sexual desires.
  • Change in appetite or overfeeding.
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Constant thoughts of death, suicide or an attempt to suicide
  • Difficulty in making decision and concentrating.
  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • Reduced interest or pleasure in activities that a person previously enjoyed.


Effective ways to handle depression.


There are several ways to effectively handle depression, how you would handle your situation differs from how another will handle theirs. Below are few ways to handle depression, they may not be necessarily how you might have been handling your situation, but they will surely help you.


  • Seeking professional help: A therapist or counselor can help you work through your feelings and emotions, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional as they have had various experiences with other people having symptoms of mental health challenges, and they could help you with practical ways of how to handle your situation.


  • Practicing self-care: A lot of people does not practice self-care; they always take it as weakness or being lazy because our society these days has made ‘not resting’ a worthy emulative way of life. Sometimes, take a break from all you do and re-evaluate your life. Eat well, ensure you consume a healthy meal, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, these can all improve your mood and reduce symptoms disrupting your mental health.


  • Connecting with others: Connecting to others, does not mean you shouldn’t know your limit, you will have to balance your life, family work and career. Talking to friends and family, joining a support group or participating in activities you enjoy, can help you feel less alone and more supported. There is something being around others does to your mental wellbeing, it brings you alive, it makes you forget for a moment that you had serious world problem disturbing you.  When you retire home the amount of saddened burden on you will reduce drastically, not that it would disappear, but it will be lighter that it was before getting alone with people.


  • Practicing mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help you focus on the present moment and reduce stress and anxiety. You will have to understand the situation around, know yourself and understand how you act.
  • Making positive changes: Making small positive changes in your life can help you feel more in control and improve your mood. There are things you might start doing that can improve your mind positively, things like going to a visit to a hospital, morgue and also to a prison; going to prison to visit the inmates, will help your mentality to have a big shift in different dimension, it will entirely change some of the narratives you have about life. I think if you are opportune to read from this site, you have more chance to make a better decision that could change your life forever.



It is important to note that depression is a serious medical condition that should be treated under professional help. After reading this content to help your mental health status, I will recommend you see a professional if your situation tarries.



Strategy to overcome depression.


There are many different strategies that can help people cope and overcome depression, these tips and strategies include:


  • Setting realistic goals: Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks and set specific, realistic goals for yourself.


  • Staying active: Regular exercise can improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety and boost self-esteem.


  • Staying connected: Reach out to friends and family, join a support group, or participate in activities you enjoy.


  • Practicing self-care: Eat well-balanced meals, get enough sleep, and take time for yourself to do things you enjoy.


  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help you focus on the present moment and reduce stress and anxiety.


  • Seeking professional help: just as it was emphasized earlier, a therapist or counselor can help you work through your feelings and develop coping strategies. Medications such as antidepressants can also be effective in treating depression. If it becomes unbearable get help from a professional.


  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process them and identify patterns or trigger that can be of help to you in increasing or eliminations of a habit that help or destroy your mental health.



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